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A member registered Jun 12, 2020

Recent community posts

That was a nice ending to the chapter. :-)

Have a nice vacation!

(1 edit)

Wow that chapter ending sucked!

Game over man; game over!  :-(

Chapter 5... what a cliffhanger. :-D

(1 edit)

That game was really good!

I was playing that for most of it's development, right up until the end! :-)

Yup can confirm I can see them now. :-)
Thanks for fixing it!

(2 edits)

Ugh... it's actually worse now.
It's not loading on the itch page AND now I can't get it to load when I try to load it directly.

It gives this error:

403. <ins>That’s an error.</ins> Your client does not have permission to get URL /BYO7L8HjFI0n7duCX57FxJp7AL8Bqb43tlBzSBrgVi1CZ5iMpb_vqUI0x_JTAOHLe-6qBQQF9wTqM_EMdnxBe_Ow5IRaRhx66vz0T2QyYx2FOXINwivB9OYebvay79IdDQ=w1280 from this server.


.10 was emotional!

I'm looking forward to next version! :-)

The character portraits no longer load here.
When I copy their link and paste it, it still loads just fine.

Maybe google had changed something about their image hosting?

I just found your game.
So much fun!

Doubly awsome becase you put the pacing of the game in my control! 

Keep up the good work! :-)

*thumbs up*

ah ok.
maybe in the future?

I've noticed a bunch of devs not getting paid by itch anymore, so I've been getting their stuff on Gog or STeam when they move it there.

welcome :-)

That battle sucked! :-(

I hope we get to trash those murder hobos next time!

I've been hoping they keep this one going, too!

Any plans to bring your game to Gog or Steam?

This update contains no new story content.

It's a visual overhaul of the game up to this point.

(2 edits)

When you showed those first blurry images back when you started the remake, I was worried you would make the game unplayable from all the blurring.

I tried out the remake today and I'm happy to see that's not the case.

It looks pretty nice!

I'm looking forward to seeing the story continue!

(1 edit)

I just played the latest update and some more fun.... yet it ends with a clifhanger! :-o

Agh the pain of anticipation! :-p

Few!  I just finished a new playthrough.
Lots of interesting things in the new version!

That delivery job really helps get me started with the bar and I really like the goth chic you meet exploring at the start!

I look forward to seeing what happens next! :-)

I also want to see what happens!

I'm glad to see the release on here too! :-)

I'm suprised at the content of this chapter!

Take the time you need!

Maybe get a new furry friend to be with you in the future.

Is it just me or is the animation for the roof scene (season 2) rather jerky.
When compared with the scene with her in the bandonded spaceship, that spaceship one seems much smoother!

spaceship= bouncing breasts, body moves a little bit

roof= whole body moving with no bouncing breasts

I'm glad.
I will be waiting... somewhat less patiently. X-D


(2 edits)

Now I disagree.

There is no progress per level, so we get no sense of power growth.

The perks are nothing but small incidental increases, so they really don't matter.

For this system to work, we should have better combat power increase at every level.
Could even be automatic, so we dont have to put into catagories, ourselves.

As for perks, they should be incredibly powerful and there should be less of them!

maybe give them every 5 levels.

The ones right now are forgettable.

Example perk:  Critical Hits

Allows critical hits (or the crit meter thing).

Base crit rate is equal to player level.

^-- this would be a perk worth having.

Each perk should be a game changer!

I had a related thought.... if the balance is so difficult to get right and you feel the game needs a system for combat to play itself... Maybe it's not worth having it?

You could do the whole combat thing narratively, instead of a number combat system.

Example:  Go hunt in the forest

> Wolves

*dice roll*

You got... whatever wolf parts, etc.

(3 edits)

I waited for a long time and just tried out the combat in .45

I set max points into armour, melee damage and healing.

Yet 3 wolves are still a HUGE pain in the ass to kill!

These are supposed to be the easiest enemies in the game!

It feels like you are trying to waste my time by making everything a bullet sponge!

I should be able to block a single wolf with a single card by the time I get to level 20... can't do that because they have DOUBLE the attack that I have in  armour!

So far as I can see, this games combat is now boring and tedious!

Combat should just be an interlude to the story, but the way it works now it's keeping me from experiencing it due to the sheer amount of time it takes!

The ONLY thing I can think of that could save this, is that you are intending the equipment to be the main thing that matters for combat stats now.

If this is the case, when we skip stories (I skipped up to 20), we should get equipment equal to having played that whole time.

Edit: I want to be clear here.... I'm not trying to be mean.

I enjoyed the sex scenes and the story that I got to see so far and I want to see more.

However your original combat system (3 stats) felt VASTLY better to play.

It was fast and didn't get in the way; it also gave you a clear sense of power when you went back to fight wolves and trounced them!

Heh I played .4 and that was very fun.
The humour made me laugh.

Bought it... now to see what's in the rest to .7

keep up the good work;I look forward to seeing the game completed! :-)

THanks for the heads up!

Getting it now.

Oh cool.
I'll take a look soon. :-)

Sorry to hear about the sheer amount of piracy and steam being hypocrits.
I bought your game.

I went the nice route and so I've not seen much content yet.
I hope .8 includes more of the nice route!

Keep up the good work! :-)

I'm on the fence about this game.

The premise is pretty good, but none of the plots have gone anywhere yet.

I appreciate you consolidating all those seperate files into one; Man it was confusing before!

I'll keep watching to see where this interesting game goes!

all future updates

"New combat system: Version 4.0."

Ah ha!  that's what I been waiting for!

Time for me to replay this!

I'll wait for the bugfix update though. :-)

I would really like to know the answer to this as well!

I'm looking forward to trying out the latest content!

I changed to linux, so I'm going to have to replay it... man that's intimidating!
There's so much story to go through so far. 

I'm still looking forward to the rest of the story.

Keep up the good work! :-)

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I bought this game on year or so ago.
I certainly hope the author will continue to update it here!

The answer to that is always: When it's ready.

My estimate: 2 or 3 years.

Ok.  I"ll try again later! :-)